Dr. Biong Kuol Deng

Governance expert, constitutional lawyer, policy analyst, and development expert, by profession, with over twenty- two years of practical experience at the regional and international levels. I have been able to acquire these professional experiences through professional, focused, diversified, and intensive work in the fields of legal education, human rights, Constitution and constitutionalism, conflict prevention, management and resolution, democracy and governance, and economic and human development. Since the 1980s, I had had work- experiences in Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Nigeria, Liberia, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Lesotho, Zambia, Tanzania, Madagascar, Comoros Islands, Mauritius, Seychelles, Swaziland, Mozambique, Namibia, Malawi, and
Angola. My interaction with members of civil society and private sector,
government officials, and different communities, has cemented my strong belief in leadership by example and in the tenets of a collaborative and teamwork culture. Former Dean of the School of Law, University of Juba, Chairperson, Public Grievances Chamber, Republic of South Sudan, Research Fellow, Center for Strategic and Policy Studies, Juba, South Sudan, and Legal Consultant and Advocate and Commissioner for Oaths, Juba, South Sudan.
Dean, School of Law, University of Juba, Juba, South Sudan
Head, Department of Private, School of Law, University of Juba
Chairperson, Public Grievances Chamber, Republic of South Sudan, Juba, South Sudan
Research Fellow, Centre For Strategi2c and Policy Studies, P.O. Box, Hai Jeberona, Juba,
South Sudan
International IDEA Representative to South Sudan. International IDEA, Juba, South Sudan
Consultant, Advocate and Commissioner for Oaths, Nimra Talata, Juba, Southern Sudan.
Chief Research Specialist, Head of Governance and Democracy Unit. Institute of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa.
Chief Research Specialist, East Africa and the Horn, Africa Institute of South
Africa, Pretoria, South Africa.
Local Human Rights Consultant, United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea (UNMEE).
Member of the Board, KUSH Inc., an NGO registered in the United States and South Africa.
Regional Adviser and Head of the Regional Office, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, United Nations, SADC, based in Pretoria, South Africa.
Legal Officer Cum Human Rights Officer, Office of the SRSG, Monrovia, Liberia.
Banja Luka Field Office, OHCHR Field Operations, Bosnia & Herzegovina.
Sarajevo Field Office Coordinator, OHCHR Field Operations, Bosnia & Herzegovina:
Officer-in-Charge/ Human Rights Field Operation in the former Yugoslavia.
Mostar Field Office Coordinator, OHCHR Field Operations, Bosnia & Herzegovina.
Human Rights Officer, UNPAs, Zegrab, Croatia.
Research Assistant, Land Tenure Center, University of Wisconsin.
Research Associate, Center for Applied Social Sciences, University of Zimbabwe, Harare,
Research Assistant, Land Tenure Center, University of Wisconsin.
Assistant Property Manager-Urban Living Inc.
Legal Consultant at the United Nations Center on Transnational Corporations, New
York, N.Y.
Research Assistant, Columbia University, New York.
Law Lecturer, State College of Legal Studies and Sharia Law, Sokoto State, Sokoto, Nigeria.
Legal Intern, Office of the Legal Adviser, Sudan Chevron Oil Co., Khartoum, Sudan.
S.J.D. (Ph.D.) Holder, Madison Law School, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Thesis’s Title: “Property Rights, Legal Pluralism, and Land Disputes in Zimbabwe: A Case
Study in Gutu District, Masvingo Province, Zimbabwe.”
LL.M., Columbia University School of Law, New York, N.Y. Focused on International Law, International Business Transactions, Corporate Law, Conflict of Laws, and Law
of Contracts.
Research Papers:
·“Right to Food under International Law and National
· “Manufacturer Product Liability under U.S.A. Law”;
· “Law in Development in Africa.”
· LL.B., Faculty of Law, Khartoum University, Khartoum, Sudan.
Ford Foundation Doctoral Fellow,
Ford Foundation
African Dissertation Program Fellow,
Rockefeller Foundation
African Development Foundation Doctoral Fellow,
African Development Foundation
University of Wisconsin Scholarship
University of Columbia Scholarship
Professional Organizations (Member)
· Board Member, KUSH INC., Delware, USA; Pretoria, South Africa
· Law and Society Association, Amherst, Mass., U.S.A. (former
· International Association for the Study of Common Property,
Toronto, Canada and U.S.A. (former member)
Published and Unpublished Articles on Governance Crises
Biong Kuol Deng,
“The Legal Implications of the Sudan Peace Process: Interpretation of the Texts of the Agreements,” in Korwa G. Adar et al, Sudan Peace Process: Challenges and Future Prospects, Pretoria: Africa Institute of South Africa, ch. 7, pp.
Biong Kuol Deng
“Sudan’s Nation-building Challenges: Political Situation in the Darfur Region of the Sudan,” unpublished, October 2004.
Biong Kuol Deng
“Sudan’s Foreign Policy: Its Impact on Internal Situation,” Inside AISA, February-March 2006.
Biong Kuol Deng
“Peace and Security: Research Trends and Development, Challenges and Opportunities, and Possible Research Direction,” unpublished, October 2005.
Biong Kuol Deng
“The African Peer Review Mechanism and Its Participatory Process,” Inside AISA, April-May 2006.
Deng, Biong Kuol
“Oversight Mechanism of the Pan-African Parliament: The Experience of East African Community’s Legislative Assembly,” published as an occasional paper, March 2008, by AISA Publication.
Deng, Biong Kuol
“Sudan’s Identity and the Notion of Broken Promises,”(South Sudan Post, 2nd Edition, February Issue, 2006).
Deng, Biong Kuol
“Cooperation between Sudan and Egypt over River Nile Waters: The Challenges of Duality,” in Special Issue on the Riparian States of the Nile River, their National Interests and Regional Stability, African Sociological Review 11, 1, 2007,
Deng, Biong Kuol
“Sudan’s Human Security Dilemma in the Context of State Crisis: The Case of Darfur,” Africa Insight Journal, Vol. 7, March 2008.
Deng, Biong Kuol
“The Kenya African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) Process and Its Impact on Democracy and Political Governance (Journal Article, the African Journal of Political
Science ‘AJPS’, Vol. 12, No. 2, December 2007).
Deng, Biong Kuol
“The Kenya African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) Process and Its Impact on the Kenyan Socio-Economic Development” accepted for publication by AJPS.
Deng, Biong Kuol
“The Concept of New Sudan in the Context of One Country Two Systems”, AISA Occasional Paper, No. 1 2008.
Deng, Biong Kuol
“The Protection of Migrants’ Rights: The Case of Tanzania, AISA Occasional Paper, No. 9, 2011.
Deng, Biong Kuol
“The Sudan Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA), Its Legal Dimension and the Challenges of Its Implementation Modalities”, accepted for publication by AJPS as a Journal Article.
Deng, Biong Kuol
“The Evolving Concept and Institution of Sovereignty: Challenges and Opportunities” AISA Policy Brief, Briefing No. 28, June 2010.
Deng, Biong Kuol
“The ICC and Culture of Impunity in Africa: Issuance of Warrant of Arrest against President Bashir of the Sudan”, AISA Policy Brief, Briefing No.27, June 2010.
Deng, Biong Kuol
“Cooperation between Egypt and Sudan over the Nile River Waters: The Challenges of Duality”, in Korwa G. Adar and Niscasius A. Check (eds), Cooperative Diplomacy, Regional
Stability and National Interests: The Nile River and Riparian States, Pretoria: Africa Institute of South Africa, Ch. 3, pp. 39-66.
Deng, Biong Kuol
“New Sudan in the Context of One Country, Two Systems,” in Francis M. Deng (ed), New Sudan in the Making? Essays on A Nation in Painful Search of Itself, Trenton and Asmara: The Red Sea Press, Inc., Chapter Fourteen, pp. 391-413.
E-MAIL ADDRESSES: jangd2010@gmail.com
Dr. Barnaba Korina

Deputy Dean
lobengagira16@gmail.com. barnaba852@gmail.com
2012 – 2017: Doctor of Philosophy in Law (Ph.D) – University of Al Neelain (Sudan) Thesis (Discretionary Power of a Judge in
the Context of the Contractual Relation & Evidence- (Comparative Study)
2005 – 2008: Master of Laws (LL.M) – University of Al Neelian (Republic of Sudan) Dissertation: (The Rules of Interpretation of
the Legal Provisions)
2000-2004: Bachelor of Laws LL.B Honours Division One with an accumulative average of 90.16% – University of Al Neelian (Republic of Sudan).
August 2006: Legal Profession Examination Certificate –
The Legal Profession Council /Ministry of Justice – Republic of Sudan.
1997- 2000: Sudan Secondary School Certificate
– AL Tejani Mohamed Khair Secondary School ( Art Section -Kosti, White Nile
State / Republic of Sudan
1989 – 1997: Primary School Certificate – El – Sayim Primary School – Kosti, White Nile State – Republic of Sudan.
1986 – 1988: Preschool School – Comboni Sangaat
– Kosti, White Nile State – Republic of Sudan.
1 st June, 2018, Promoted to the rank of Assistant Professor at College of Law –Department of Private Law, University of Juba, Republic of South Sudan.
· 2015 Up to Date: Member of the Association of Staffs of the
Universities in South Sudan – Branches of Juba University.
· 2013 – 2014: Part-time Lecturer at School of Management Science (Diploma program), University of Juba where I taught (Administrative
Law and Commercial Law)
· 2012 – 2013: Part-time lecturer at Rajaf Police Training
College where I taught the (Civil Procedure Act and Law of Evidence) II.
· January 2008 – 9 th June 2011 – Lecturer at University of Al
Neelian – College of law. My service at the College of Law University of Al
Neelain was terminated after the succession of South Sudan vides a Resolution No. (236) by Council of Ministers/ Republic of Sudan.
· June 2015 up to Date: Advocate & Commissioner for Oaths Republic of South Sudan.
· 2015 Up to Date: Deputy Director of African Centre for Legal
& Human Studies (ACLHRS)-South Sudan.
· September 2011 up to Date: Member of South Sudan Bar Association (SSBA).
· 2016: Member of the Committee of the Arbitration of the Book titled ( Legal System of Electronic Arbitration ) written by the Author Dr. Samuel James – Diversity Centre for Strategic Studies – South Sudan
· September 2011 – 2015 Advocate &
Legal Consultant Before all Courts in the Republic of South Sudan.
· 2015 Up to Date: Researcher and Founding Member of The African Centre for Legal & Human Rights Studies (ACLHRS) – Juba, South
· 2015 Up to Date: Admitted (Authorised) Arbitrator in Juba
Centre for Arbitration & Conciliation.
· 6 th February 2013 – 9th December 2016: Deputy Secretary General of South Sudan Bar Association (SSBA)
· 2015: Member of Ad hoc Committee for Drafting of South Sudan
Arbitration Bill (SSAB) Constituted by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Juba Centre for Arbitration and Conciliation (JCAC) with the consent of the Ministry of Justice Government of The Republic of South Sudan.
· June 2014: Chairperson of the Organizing Committee for South
Sudan Bar Association foundation Conference during 21st -22nd June 2014. Page 7
of 10
· January 2014 up to June 2014: Member of ad hoc Committee for
drafting (6) Six Rules & Regulations for South Sudan Bar Association
Constituted by the President of the South Sudan Bar Association (SSBA).
· 2009 -2017: Represent a lot of Public Cases such as Legal Aid, Publication Press Cases, and Labour Cases.
· 2009 – 2017: I supervised a numbers of Advocate Trainees in my Office and recommend them to the South Sudan Bar Association for License.
· July 2009 – July 2011: Advocate & Legal Consultant
before all Courts in the Republic of the Sudan.
· 2009 – 2011: Member of the Sudanese General Bar Union (SBU).
· May 2007 – May 2008: Trainee Advocate in the office of
Professor Yasin Omer Yousif
· May 2007 – May 2008: Member of the Committee of Advocate
Trainee of the Sudanese General Bar Union
· 2015 up to Date: Researcher and Founding member of The
African Centre for Legal & Human Rights Studies (ACLHRS) – Juba, South
· 2015 up to Date: Deputy Director of African Centre for Legal
& Human Studies (ACLHRS).
· 2015: Member of Ad hoc Committee for Drafting of South Sudan
Arbitration Bill Constituted by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Juba
Centre for Arbitration and Conciliation with the consent of the Ministry of
Justice Government of The Republic of South Sudan.
· 2013 – 2016: Deputy Secretary General of South Sudan Bar
Association (SSBA).
· 2014 up to Date: Member of the Board of The Directors of
Juba Centre For Arbitration & Conciliation (JCAC)
· January 2014 up to June 2014: Member of ad hoc Committee for
drafting Rules & Regulation of South Sudan Bar Association Constituted by
the President of the South Sudan Bar Association (SSBA)
· 2011 up to Date: Member of South Sudan Bar Association
Discretionary power of a Judge in the Judicial Evidence Comparative Studies, Article Published in the Journal of the Post-graduate Studies, University of Al Neelian 2017.
(ii) The Rules of interpretation of the Contract (Comparative Studies) –
Published Research
– Journal of the post-graduate Studies, University of Al Neelian – 2017.
Mr. Samuel Manyang

Name: Manyang Rwei Gach
Position: Registrar and Lecturer, School of Law
Qualifications: LLM, LLB
Contact: E-mail: gatrwei2014@gmail.com
Mobile Phone: +211 924 816 667 / +211 917 605 054
Mr. Manyang has over ten years of administrative and professional work experiences with non-governmental organisations, national government and legal practice in the fields of community development, legal education, human rights, conflict prevention, management and resolution, democracy and governance. The wealthy work experiences cemented his strong believe in leadership by example and in the tenets of collaborative and teamwork culture. His research, teaching and legal practice interests are in administrative & constitutional law, criminal procedure, customary law, international human rights law, refugees & IDPs law, international environmental law, legal research methodology, public finances management law as well as land law.
Newspaper articles or work of arts
Manyang Rwei Gach, ‘Genuine Implementation of R-ARCSS: Hope for South Sudan’, paanluelwel.com
Manyang Rwei Gach, ‘PoCs: The Paradoxical Sanctuaries of IDPs in South Sudan’, Juba Monitor, 2020
Manyang Rwei Gach, ‘The Quest for Justice and Protection of IDPs in South Sudan’, Juba Monitor, 2020
M. R. Gach’s poems incl. but not limited to: ‘Village of Innocent’, ‘Seeds Nation Must Sow’, ‘In Furnace of War I See’, and ‘Fought by Many, Dividends for Few’.
Work in progress
Gach, MR, ‘The Cost of Free Speech: South Sudan’s Media and Security Laws are Still Rotten’, ‘Delinking army from politics: Enhancing the rule of law and democratic system of governance in South Sudan’, ‘Customary Law and Morality: Why Women’s Rights Matter in South Sudan?’ ‘The Reel People of South Sudan: Making Identity Known’, ‘Investing in South Sudan’s Potential: Building a Prosperous Future’, and ‘Access to and protection of customary land rights in South Sudan’.
John Lul Tiop

Deputy Registrar
With more than 19 years working experience in various International Organizations (NGO’s and with Government) in South Sudan. Tiop worked as the HR and admin and facilities office for Duk field office with CRS, a community Mobilizer for Save the children Sweden (Child protection officer from 2003-2008) and Child Rights governance project officer for save the children international (2014-15), Diocesan Chancellor for Duk 2015-TOdate), Trained Advocate 2013-14), Headmaster for primary school (2005-8), senior inspector for Duk county (2015-16), worked as Programme coordinator for Restore Hope (2015-16), worked as the program manager for Nile Orphan Care Juba(2018-19), Managing Director for Aviation Aero Consultants and Engineering Solutions LTD (2019-2020), Legal officer for HDC (3 Three Months) and as the Deputy Registrar, university of Juba (2022-todate), will add value. I am a highly creative, productive, dependable, self and team driven leader with excellent leadership skills involving: planning, mobilizing, organizing, coordinating and reporting, monitoring and evaluating teams to achieve organizational goals and objectives. Also Am self-motivated worker and will strive to do my best in any task.
Educational Background
1 .LLM , University of Juba (2018-19)
- LLB, Dr.John Garang Memorial University of Science and Technology (2008-2012)
- UNEB, Uganda National Examination Board (2009-2002)
- KCPE., Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (1991-1998)
- Advocate License, South Sudan Bar Association (2013-2014)
E-mail: johntioplul@gmail.com
Dr. Santino Ayuel Longar

Director of LDC
Santino Ayuel Longar Dau holds a
Ph.D. from Queen’s University in Ontario, Canada. Called to the Bar in 2018,
Santino is a barrister and solicitor in good standing, being a member of the
Law Society of Ontario (Upper Canada). His research, teaching and law
practice interests are in international
human rights law, the law of armed conflicts, public international law,
administrative law, public law, constitutional law, legal & legislative drafting, civil procedure, law of torts and
land laws.
Santino is currently an Assistant Professor and the Director of the Law Development Center, at the University of Juba, School of Law, The Republic of South Sudan. He currently teaches land law, the law of torts, the law of civil procedure and Professional Responsibility and Ethics.
He is also a Research Associate at the Sudd Institute and a contributor at Ebony Center,
both of which are indigenous thinktanks in South Sudan.
Research Publications
Santino has written several peer reviewed journal articles and is the author of book on International Human Rights in Post-Colonial Africa: Universality in Perspective (London: University of Wales Press, 2023). He has also co-authored a book on Assuring the Future of South Sudan: Coherent and Sustainable Governance (Sydney:
Africa Books, 2020).
Santino is also an independent consultant with both national and international organizations in South Sudan. He is currently a member of Public Financial Management Reform Strategy (PFMRS) at the Ministry of Finance, The Republic of South Sudan.
Email: ayuelongar@gmail.com,
Tel: +211 928 746 859
Mr. Gabriel Mading Apach

Deputy Director of LDC
Adv. Gabriel Mading Apach is a lecturer in the department of
Commercial Law, School of Law, University of Juba. He holds LLM (in International Trade &
Investment Law in Africa), University of Pretoria, South Africa; LLB (1st class
Degree), University of Juba, South Sudan & LP. Bar Course (South Sudan
At high school level, Adv. Gabriel Mading went to Kampala
Secondary school in Uganda after his primary school at Comboni Lietnhom primary
school, Warrap state.
In addition, he attended several Human Rights short courses
at Center for Human Rights, University of Pretoria.
He is currently a deputy Director of Law and Development
Centre (LDC).
Adv. Gabriel Mading is also practicing lawyer before all
courts in South Sudan under partnership of Kush Advocates & Solicitors
Heads of Departments
Dr. Joseph Geng Akech

HOD - Research & Publication
Name: Dr. Joseph Geng Akech
Position: Assistant Professor, and Head of Research and Publication, School of Law
Qualifications: LLD, LLM, LLB, Dip in Community Development: Researcher in constitutional designs & human rights
Contacts: E-mail: josephgakech@gmail.com
Mobile: +211919867336
Dr. Akech has over 15 years of professional experience having worked with international organisations in South Sudan and abroad in countries like The Gambia, Sierra Leone, and Somalia. He has published extensively in constitutional designs, human rights, and transitional justice. Below are some of his selected publications:
Journal articles
Joseph Geng Akech ‘Rethinking transitional justice in South Sudan: Critical perspectives on aspects of justice and reconciliation’ (2020)14 International Journal of Transitional Justice 585–595
Joseph Geng Akech et al ‘Africa’s democratic deficit: The role of the diaspora in bridging the gap between citizens and government’ Global Campus Human Rights Journal (2019) 3
Joseph Geng Akech ‘Exacerbated inequalities: Implications of COVID-19 for the socio-economic rights of women and children in South Sudan’ (2020) 20 African Human Rights Law Journal 584-606
Joseph Geng Akech ‘Foreign influence and the legitimacy of constitution building in South Sudan’ (2022) Journal of African Law
James Alic Garang & Joseph Geng Akech ‘Constitutionalism and sustainable economic development: The case of South Sudan in the East African Community’ (2022) Pretoria University Law Press
Yach Garang, James Alic Garang & Joseph Geng Akech ‘On designating 14-mile area in the cooperation agreement: Missteps and implications’ (2022) African Journal of Conflict Resolution
Book chapters
Joseph Geng Akech ‘The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM): Legacies of conflict resolution and peacebuilding initiatives’ in A Nelson et al (eds.) Conflict Management and Resolution in South Sudan (2022) Routledge
Joseph Geng Akech ‘Building democracy after dictatorship: Challenges of constitutional design in post Yaha in S Nabaneh, et al (eds.) The Gambia in transition: Towards a new constitutional order (2022) Pretoria University Law Press
Joseph Geng Akech ‘Constitutional resilience and limitation of rights under COVID-19 response in South Sudan’ in E Durojaye & D Powell (eds.) Constitutional resilience and the Covid-19 pandemic (2022) Springer
Joseph Geng Akech ‘Legal protection of socio-economic rights of IDPs, refugees and asylum seekers in South Sudan: Prospects and challenges in E Durojaye et al (eds.) Realising Socio-Economic Rights of Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Africa (2022) Palgrave Macmillan
Numerous blog articles featured on reputable academic mouthpieces such as:
- The Conversation;
- International Association of Constitutional Lawyers;
- African Network of Constitutional Lawyers;
- The Sudd Institute;
- African Law Matters;
- AfricLaw; and
- Ebony Centre for Strategic Studies,
Mr. Deng Abraham

HOD - Commercial Law
Name: Deng Abraham Akech Ajak
Position: Head of Department of Commercial Law
Qualifications: LLB, LLM (International Law)
Email Address: matordiang@gmail.com
Mobile Phone: +211928 612 202
Mr. Deng is a law lecturer at the School of Law, University of Juba where has taught for the past since 2012. He is a former Deputy Dean and Current Head of Commercial Law Department, School of Law, University of Juba. He is also currently Interim Assistant Director of Institute of Water Studies (IWS), University of Juba. Mr. Deng has held several other administrative positions at the School of Law, University of Juba, including that of the Examinations Officer.
Besides, Mr. Deng has been practicing law in South Sudan. He co-founded of City Law & Co. Advocates in Juba, South Sudan in December, 2012. He is currently the Managing Partner City Law & Co. Advocates. Mr. Deng is a registered member of the South Sudan Bar Association. As a Senior Counsel, Mr. Deng is also a Commissioner of Oaths.
Over the past 5 years since 2018, Mr. Deng has participated in a number of processes and events related to the South Sudan peace process as a representative of the academia. He was later appointed in 2021 as a member of the Technical Committee on Establishment of the Commission on Truth, Reconciliation and Healing (TC-CTRH). He was the leader of the TC-CTRH team that conducted public consultations on the establishment of the CTRH in Warrap State in May, 2022.
Mr. Deng has also been working with civil society and non-governmental organizations as a consultant. He worked as a senior consultant for the Dallaire Institute for Children, Peace and Security and developed the Policy Alignment Tool (PAT) for child protection in South Sudan. Mr. Deng has also been working as a conflict resolution and peacebuilding consultant for African Leadership & Reconciliation Ministries (ALARM).
Mr. Thomas Jada

HOD - International Law
Thomas Jada James Jacob is a Lecturer, and Head Department of International law,
School of Law-University of Juba
Jada has over 15 years of professional experience as lecturer at School of law University
of Juba, mostly interested in IHL and Human Rights:
LLM from
University of Mysore-India, Post Graduate Diplomat in Human Rights in
University of Khartoum, LLB from University of Juba.
E-mail: thomasjd7@gmail.com
Mobile: +211912838004
Peter Garang Geng

Journal Manager
Peter Garang Geng is a Lecturer at School of law, University of Juba. He is an Advocate of High Court of South Sudan. Garang holds an LLM (First Class with Honors) in international law from Sharda University, India, LLB(Hons) University of Juba, South Sudan, Legal Practice (South Sudan advocates’ training).
He is also an experienced humanitarian worker, with over 6 years of hands-on experience in humanitarian services delivery across South Sudan. His other professional experiences include legal researches and consultancies. He has published number of scholarly and policy papers with reputable national and international publishers.
His research interest is centered around rule of law and governance, extractive industries law, comparative public law, human rights ,and constitutional law.
Policy and Journal Articles
Gabriel Mading &Peter Garang (2018). An Overview of the Legal System and Legal Research in South Sudan’ Published by Hauser Global Law School Program, New York University School of Law
Peter Garang (2019). Protection of Rights of Older Persons in South Sudan: Towards Enactment of Legislative Framework, published by Sudd Institute
Peter Garang et’l (2022) Amending the South Sudan’s Revitalized Peace Agreement: The Implications of the Extension and its Roadmap
J Geng Akech and Peter Garang Geng (2023) How will Permanent Constitution be adopted? published by Sudd Institute, 2023
Peter Garang. (In progress). The Right to a Fair Trial: A Critical Study of South Sudan’s Criminal Justice System
Peter Garang (In progress). Constitution Making in Post Conflict Transitions: Towards Adopting Transformative Judiciary in South Sudan
Joseph Geng & Peter Garang: “Know Your Constitution”, ongoing series weekly review on constitution making process.
Mrs. Julia Benjamin Serjio
Mrs. Julia Benjamin Serjio

Coordinator - Evening Program, LDC
Coordinator for Evening Classes, School of Law and Program Officer, Law Development
Qualifications: LLM, LLB.
Contacts: E-mail: juliaayuru@gmail.com
Mobile: +211921507100