
To contribute to development of the rule of law in South Sudan through quality legal education and research that produce qualified advocates, judges and public prosecution attorneys and other legal professions capable of playing transformative role in the society.


  • To provide legal education and legal services and undertaking legal research on a quality level that is the best in South Sudan and competitive in the region and beyond.
  • To provide quality legal education that meets the aspirations of South Sudanese people and the global community through innovative teaching, learning, legal research, integration, transmission and utilization of knowledge that meets national and international standards.
In order to realize the vision and mission, the School of Law is guided by the overall objectives stipulated in the University of Juba Act, 1975 (amended 1995) as well as by the following core values:
  • Independence;
  • Free critical thinking;
  • Professional ethics and integrity;
  • Transparency and accountability;
  • Service-oriented;
In keeping with of the vision, mission and the core values, the School of Law is driven by the:
  • Team work and respect of the rights of faculty and students to engage in independent, critical and free scholarly debate and legal research;
  • Provision of legal education that promotes awareness and respect for human rights and professional ethical standards; and
  • Promotion of access to justice and defence of the rule of law.